
What do we do!
and Why Us?!

We are not consultants, we are partners, team players and executors. We are passionate about empowering startups, helping navigate through the challenges of the business world, and turning ideas into reality.


Startups Risk Mitigation.

Startup failure is a common challenge, and understanding the reasons behind it can help entrepreneurs navigate the entrepreneurial landscape more effectively.

  • 9 out of 10 startups fail.
  • 7.5 out of 10 venture-backed startups fail.
  • 2 out of 10 new businesses fail in the first year.
  • The success percentage for first-time founders is 18%

Reasons Why Startups Fail


Team Problems (18%)

Lack of domain knowledge, lack of plan and lack of technical knowledge are the biggest killers.

Tech Problems (6%)

Rarely a big killer, even though the vast majority of the interviewed startups have some kind of technology in their core.

What we do!

We help mitigate the risk of company failure by 24%

Starting a business is like embarking on an exhilarating adventure. But let’s face it: the path is strewn with obstacles. From market uncertainties to technological complexities, the journey can be daunting.

Here we come in, Empowering Your Vision, Navigating Challenges with Expertise At our core, we embrace challenges. Our mission? To guide you through the complexities and transform your ideas into tangible success.

  • High demand for expertise:Tech startups often lack in-house expertise or resources to navigate the complexities of software development. We provide startups with the guidance and support they require to build successful solutions.
  • Cost-effective solution:Many startups face budget constraints and may not have the resources to hire full-time experts in various domains.
  • Mitigating risks:We help identify potential risks, assess their impact, and devise mitigation strategies.
  • Strategic Planning:We meticulously plan, ensuring every step aligns with your goals.
  • Guidance and Education: Our expertise becomes your compass. We educate and empower your team.
  • Execution Excellence: From concept to reality, we execute flawlessly.
  • Confidence Building: Strengthening your team, fostering resilience, and preparing them for any obstacle.

How to Get your Business Successful?

Clarify Requirements

Clear and well-defined requirements are crucial for successful software development. We help assisting startups in clarifying the requirements, to ensure that the development process starts off on the right foot and minimize potential misunderstandings or scope creep.

Execution Roadmap

Creating a solid execution roadmap is essential for guiding the development process and keeping it on track. With our expertise We help startups identify milestones, prioritize tasks, allocate resources effectively, and manage timeframes.

Right Technologies

Selecting the appropriate technologies is crucial for building scalable and efficient solutions.We assist startups in evaluating different options, considering factors like scalability, security, cost, and compatibility, ultimately leading to informed technology choices.

Solution Architect

We provide valuable guidance and design expertise to ensure that the proposed solutions are well-structured, scalable, and aligned with industry best practices. We will involve defining the architecture, identifying components, and establishing integration strategies.

Team Development

Managing a development team and fostering skill improvement are critical for project success. By providing leadership, guidance, and mentorship, We help build efficient teams, enhance collaboration, and improve their technical skills, ultimately contributing to better outcomes.

Solving Challenges

Startups often face various challenges during the development process. With our experience and expertise we help identify potential bottlenecks, technical issues, or inefficiencies early on and provide effective solutions, helping startups overcome hurdles more efficiently.